Frequently Asked Questions

What is i-pass UK?

Illuminate Psychology Assessment UK (i-passuk) is an interactive remote assessment centre. We carry out online assessments of children and young people’s educational progress.

Why choose i-pass UK?

i-passuk assessments are carried out quickly and efficiently. A comprehensive report highlights strengths and areas for development. We highlight precisely what you need to do to overcome educational barriers.

What is a cognitive assessment?

A cognitive assessment evaluates independent thinking and reasoning abilities. It includes specific areas such as memory, language skills, processing skills and problem-solving skills.

What is a literacy and numeracy assessment?

A literacy and numeracy assessment evaluates core literacy and numeracy skills. It includes specific areas such as reading, spelling and math problem solving .

What will I get from the process?

Each assessment leads to a comprehensive i-pass portfolio. The portfolio includes a comprehensive Educational Psychology report suitable for multiple audiences. There is also specific advice for class teachers, home and the student in multiple formats.

How much does the service cost?

The cost of an i-passuk assessment is £1500 for a joint cognitive and literacy and numeracy assessment.

Is an i-pass assessment the same as an education, health and care plan?

An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a statutory document produced by Local Authorities. An i-pass assessment is not an EHCP but it can contribute towards the process.

What is a WIAT?

A WIAT is an assessment which explores literacy and numeracy skills in detail. Link

What is a WISC?

A WISC is an assessment which explores independent thinking and reasoning skills. Link

Are remote assessments reliable and valid?

Yes. Accommodations have been made. The assessment procedure follows recommendations issued by Pearson, the test publishers, and the British Psychological Society.

LA have advised that they will not accept EHCP applications made unless they have gone through the LA EPS. Is this correct?

  • This is 100% incorrect.
  • The Local Authority (LA) is not allowed to reject or dismiss assessments completed by any professional as part of an EHC needs assessment request. Rejecting any information provided by a professional is an appealable decision and the Tribunal would thereafter be under a duty to consider all the documents placed before them. All documents act as evidence of need.
  • The argument that independently commissioned assessments are somehow influenced by anything other than the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which governs all professionals, regardless of their employer, is incorrect and frankly absurd. It raises huge concerns of negligence and derelictions of duty.
  • Quite simply, the identification of need is not restricted to LA employees. See extract below from SEND Code of Practice regarding involving specialists on page 102:
  • 6.58 Where a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidence-based support and interventions that are matched to the pupil’s area of need, the school should consider involving specialists, including those secured by the school itself or from outside agencies.
  • When an EHCP has been granted, the LA Educational Psychologist (EP) must become involved. However, up until this point, all assessment information prior to that decision is not restricted to LA professionals. In fact the LA EPs are legally bound to contact all previous Psychologists as part of their involvement.